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How to Make Irresistible Bengali Rasgulla - Step-by-Step Guide


Sure! Making Bengali Rasgulla at home is a delightful experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to prepare this delicious sweet:


1 liter full-fat milk

2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar

1 cup sugar

4 cups water

few strands of saffron (optional)

1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder

Step 1:

Making Chhena (Indian cottage cheese)

1. In a large pot, bring the milk to a boil over medium heat.

2. Once the milk starts boiling, add the lemon juice or vinegar gradually while stirring gently. This will help in separating the curds from the whey.

3 As soon as the milk curdles and the whey becomes clear, switch off the heat.

Step 2: Draining and Washing the Chhena

4. Place a muslin cloth or cheesecloth over a colander or strainer and pour the curdled milk into it. The whey will drain away, leaving behind the chhena.

5. Rinse the chhena under cold running water to remove any traces of lemon juice or vinegar.

Step 3: Extracting Water from Chhena

6. Gather the ends of the muslin cloth and twist it gently to form a pouch containing the chhena.

7. Press down on the pouch to squeeze out excess water from the chhena. Be gentle, as you don't want to make it too dry.

Step 4: Kneading the Chhena

8. Transfer the chhena to a clean plate or work surface.

9. Start kneading the chhena with the heel of your palm. Continue kneading until the chhena becomes smooth, lump-free, and starts releasing a bit of fat. This step is crucial to get the right texture for your Rasgulla.

Step 5: Shaping the Rasgulla

10. Divide the kneaded chhena into small, smooth balls. To avoid cracks, make sure there are no cracks on the surface of the balls.

Step 6: Making Sugar Syrup

11. In a wide, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the sugar and water. You can also add a few strands of saffron for flavor and color (optional).

12. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.

Step 7: Cooking the Rasgulla

13. Carefully add the chhena balls to the boiling sugar syrup, ensuring there is enough space for them to expand.

14. Cover the pan with a lid and let the Rasgulla cook on medium heat for about 15-18 minutes. They will double in size during this time.

Step 8: Flavoring the Rasgulla

15. Once the Rasgulla has cooked, add the cardamom powder to the sugar syrup for a delightful flavor. Gently stir to mix it.

Step 9: Cooling and Serving

16. Turn off the heat and let the Rasgulla cool down to room temperature in the sugar syrup itself.

17. Once cooled, transfer the Rasgulla along with the sugar syrup to a serving dish.

18. Refrigerate for a few hours before serving, as chilled Rasgulla tastes the best.

Your delicious Bengali Rasgulla is now ready to be served and enjoyed. The soft and spongy texture along with the sweet sugar syrup is sure to be a hit among your friends and family

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